This is it: the GRETE project has come to its official end on April 30th. Not easy to summarise in a short webarticle the past 4 years, especially as a lot happened in these final weeks, and some work is still underway…..
After the very successful final event at the Cellulose Fibres Conference 2023 in Cologne – read more here – a public webinar held on March 29th allowed to share the project results with 59 participants. The 2-hour online event was open to anybody eager to learn about sustainable man-made cellulosic fibre production and the key outcomes of GRETE. In addition to five presentations from the consortium members explaining the different research streams, interactive Q&A sessions and polls allowed the participants to get first-hand information and answers from the GRETE experts.

Besides these last joint activities, single consortium partners had the opportunity to further disseminate the project: in particular, at the end of March University of Helsinki’s Ilkka Kilpeläinen held an invited lecture on “Organic Superbases and Salts for Biomass Processing” at the ACS Spring Meeting 2023 in Indianopolis, USA. Whereas, Materially promoted GRETE during Milan Design Week 2023 showcasing the GRETE samples in the Vivarium exhibition at the heart of the Brera Design District and illustrating the aims and achieved results of the project in a panel talk on bio-based material solutions. The Vivarium initiative was focused on the educational power of research and applications of bio-based materials and offered a great opportunity for disseminating the project’s final results to a general audience interested in innovative material solutions.

The conclusion of the project activities includes also reporting on the executed communication and dissemination activities over the whole project duration, and the GRETE communication team is proud to summarise the great achievements: the GRETE project has resulted in 3 master thesis, 5 peer-reviewed publications, 3 manuscripts that are under review in peer-review journals. In addition to these papers, 4 additional papers are currently under preparation. Furthermore, the sum of the dissemination activities – presenting the GRETE project to the scientific community and biobased industry, but also to the stakeholders of the textile and fashion industry, and in general to an audience interested in sustainable material innovation – exceeds by far the initial estimates of the consortium: the partners caught the opportunity to introduce the GRETE project in 51 onsite or online events, including 17 oral and 16 poster presentations that have been given based on GRETE results.

The dissemination activities executed by the consortium partners within their network allowed to spread the project and its achievements broadly, generating interest in the further developments and uptake of the scientific work, which is expected to happen after the official project conclusion as several GRETE papers are currently under preparation and/or peer review.
This is officially the last article we publish on the GRETE website, but the project’s online channels will keep running for some months and inform you as soon as new GRETE-contents are made publicly available. Thus, keep in touch and join the GRETE Networking Space on LinkedIn for direct interactions with the GRETE experts.
Finally, we’ve submitted some nice pictures for the CBE JU photo competition: keep up to date on social media – twitter, LinkedIn – and vote for GRETE!