Find here the latest updates about GRETE project: initiatives of the consortium, activities and events open to stakeholders. Furthermore, interesting news, links and events are selected from the web related to the project’s topics: biotechnologies, eco-textiles, textile value chain, innovative and sustainable textile products and solutions, and many more.

Great achievement for GRETE member Professor Ilkka Kilpeläinen
On 7 April 2022 the Marcus Wallenberg Prize 2022 was awarded to Professor Ilkka Kilpeläinen, part of the GRETE consortium with his team at University

Ionic liquids in detail: explaining the GRETE chemistry
We’ve already talked about ionic liquids and their application in the GRETE project in a previous article. This time, the work of our consortium member

New blood for the second half: BETA joins the consortium
Shortly before the end of the year the documents were signed and a new partner joined the GRETE consortium: BETA Technological Centre of the University

A lot going on before closing 2021
December started with great news: the European Commission and the Bio-based Industries Consortium combined efforts to launch Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking: CBE JU is

GRETE: the second act of the project has definitely started
On October 20 and 21 the GRETE consortium gathered for its 6th meeting, again in online mode. Now, after more than two years of steady collaboration, the information exchange is settled and both, the structure and the modalities, are well implemented.

Kraft pulp fibres: here you are
Earlier this year, the GRETE consortium reached one of its major milestones: the first batch of regenerated fibres from Kraft pulps have been produced.

“The project proposes to extend the offering of sustainable raw materials for the textile industry”
The leading Italian magazine for footwear manufacturers and designers, Arsutoria, wrote about GRETE: “The project proposes to extend the offering of sustainable raw materials for

Nuove fibre sostenibili a partire dalla cellulosa
The Italian platform, Lulop, dedicated to the dissemination of multimedia materials talked about us in “Nuove fibre sostenibili a partire dalla cellulosa“.

Neomateriali 2.0 nell’economia circolare
“Neomateriali 2.0 nell’economia circolare” takes stock of the most recent developments in production processes and materials that are the basis of the circular economy. Fitting

Wood-to-textile gets boost in EU partnership
GRETE news spread beyond Europe and The Impact Nigeria Newspaper wrote about us! “The raw material base for the production of man-made cellulose fibres is

Textile: the GRETE project develops green technologies for the wood-to-textile value chain
Renewable Matter, an international magazine on circular economy and bioeconomy, wrote a news about us: “The GRETE project is implemented by a consortium of a

Un progetto europeo per il settore tessile
The italian Green Planner Magazine talked about GRETEs’ objectives and how it will overcome the current bottlenecks in the wood-to-textile value chain. Read the full

Modification of paper-grade pulps: one more step towards GRETE high-quality textile fibres
Jenni Rahikainen, Senior Scientist at the Technical Research Centre of Finland VTT, is leader of work package 2 (WP2) in the GRETE project, studying pre-treatments

GRETE member Niklas von Weymarn receives Chemistry Societies Award 2022
In occasion of this year’s Chemistry Days in Finland, Niklas von Weymarn, CEO of Metsä Spring Oy, a partner of the GRETE consortium, was awarded

Sustainability issues in the textile industry: an outlook
Ali Harlin, Research Professor at the Technical Research Centre of Finland VTT and member of the GRETE project consortium, shared his expertise on the textile

Finally face-to-face again: 7th consortium meeting held in Portugal
April 2022 is marking an important milestone for the GRETE project consortium: month 36 of the 4-years-collaboration, precisely one year left to its conclusion. Coming